High quality instrumentals for artists & creators

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Bulk Deals Available


Instrumental licenses for music artists and creators. 

Not sure which type of license to purchase? Click below to find out which license is best for you.


Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. Feel free to jam to them, share them with others and even write and record to them if you wish. I only ask that you purchase a license once you decide you want to upload a song you made with my beat to YouTube, Soundcloud, or any other music streaming service. 

Think of them as a “try before you buy” sort of deal. 

Each license allows for limited edits on the instrumental. Limited edits include:

  • Change in tempo
  • Structure re-arrangement

Yes! You can find out about my latest deals by signing up for my newsletter. I also offer bulk deals if you buy two or more beats. 

No worries, check out my licensing guide for more information on instrumental licenses to see which one is right for you. 

Yes. You will be redirected to a secure download site after making the payment. 

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Licensing info

Basic License

Limited license that is aimed for beginners and for those who record at home who want to promote their music on Soundcloud and YouTube

License comes with a high quality stereo WAV file but not tracked out files

Distribution on streaming sites is limited

No radio performances or radio ariplay

Premium License

Professional license that is popular among artists who upload music to streaming sites

License comes with tracked out audio files which is essential for mixing and mastering professionally

Paid performances and airplay (two stations)

Unlimited License

Professional license for artists who believe their song will do well without limitations on streaming caps

No limitations on streams or sales

Strongly recommended for artist who want to create and monetize a music video on YouTube